Homestead Updates: Homesteaducation!

Homesteading and Home Education complement one another nicely. In fact, there have been a handful of curriculum creators/curators who have noticed this and sought to profit from the rich learning opportunities that homesteading provides. Many families would like for their children to have these types of life skills- cooking, food preservation, handicrafts, animal husbandry - … Continue reading Homestead Updates: Homesteaducation!

Homestead Updates: Where have we been!?

Hello friends!! Gosh it's been a while. Let me share a bit about what we've been up to. To start, my husband's been training as a firefighter for the city! It was a job opportunity we prayed over for more than a year, and just when we thought God had closed a door, accepted that … Continue reading Homestead Updates: Where have we been!?