Homestead Update: Fun week and other stuff

This week we celebrated National School Choice Week! Wednesday, we took a field trip with a couple other families to our volunteer fire department (where my husband puts in time as a volunteer firefighter.) We got to see the trucks, try on gear, and have all our fire safety/curious questions answered. It was so much … Continue reading Homestead Update: Fun week and other stuff

Pre-Baby Inventory/ Mom-ing Goals

I've hit that marvelous milestone in maternity- 20 weeks. The miraculous half way point (or in my case, usually just beyond half way, as my babes never tend to take a full 40 weeks) and I have got to tell you, I'm experiencing the oddest combination of "Dear Lord, I'm not ready!!!" And "thank goodness … Continue reading Pre-Baby Inventory/ Mom-ing Goals

Quick Projects

So my pre-baby checklist includes a lot of things my husband will probably deem frivolous and unnecessary, so I'm doing them myself. In fact, they are neither frivolous, nor unnecessary, but rather multifunctional in saving my sanity as well as bringing order and beauty to various spaces in our home. First up was cleaning out … Continue reading Quick Projects

Padding: A Remedy for Disorganization

I was reading an article on the New England Patriot's "secret art of padding" (though I caren't one iota for the Patriots, or the NFL) today, and it suddenly occurred to me how little I know about what's going on in my home, when it needs to get done, and who needs to do it. … Continue reading Padding: A Remedy for Disorganization

Homesteading What-if’s

I (lovingly) call my 3rd child "Bucket head" because during the summer he frequently walks around the property with a bucket on his head-- his mighty armor that can stay any blade and foil any foe. I find myself this time of year wishing for my own head bucket- one that will protect me from … Continue reading Homesteading What-if’s

Meal Prep: Homesteading Style

Our church is entering into a congregational period of fasting and prayer. I find this extraordinarily awesome, as I don't know of many churches (and I've attended quite a few over the years) that have preached sermons on fasting. That said, being 5 months pregnant, I want to participate, while also nourishing my growing baby. … Continue reading Meal Prep: Homesteading Style

2022 Spring Garden Planning

In a lot of ways, this year is going to be like starting from scratch in the gardens. My planning materials We're moving our primary vegetable garden to occupy the space previously home to our chickens. Our iconic (to us) purple chicken coop is no longer in service, as we could not keep it entirely … Continue reading 2022 Spring Garden Planning