What We Feed Our Chickens

Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3 You know how there come those times when everyone in the family has raw nerves and short fuses ignite over the smallest thing? That happened to us Friday. I carefully plan my outings for … Continue reading What We Feed Our Chickens

Holistic Bee Sting Care and Treatment

Welp, it happened. My first bee sting! Not the first ever in my life, just the first from my own bees. My husband and I were out at the hive yesterday evening trying to rectify the free-form comb situation that had developed. We added more frames to give them  some space as they've already begun … Continue reading Holistic Bee Sting Care and Treatment

Carolina Snowballs in Tennessee

It's been HOT lately. Sakes alive!  Average temperature for these parts in May is around 71°F and we've been hitting 90°F or so the last couple days. As such, it's been uncomfortable for the season, and none of my troop has much of an appetite.  I've been cooking mostly outside so as to keep the … Continue reading Carolina Snowballs in Tennessee