
You've heard the expression, "confession is good for the soul," but the reality is that confession is imperative to the soul. I was listening to a sermon by Billy Graham, given in Oregon in 1992 and he made mention of a man who when faced with conviction by God of his unconfessed sins, rather than … Continue reading Confession

My Refractometer

I recently rediscovered my like of refractometers and finally broke down and purchased one online. It's a nifty little thing. It measures how light bends through different liquids in degrees of Brix. You can use that measurement to calculate specific gravity and if you're in to home brewing like we are, estimate ABV of your … Continue reading My Refractometer

My Workouts These Days

Before kids, I remember going on runs with my husband... Or rather, trailing behind my husband, huffing and puffing and trying not to roll my ankles, as he sprinted majestically ahead of me down the cracked and uneven sidewalks of our hometown. As far as pacing is concerned, my husband and I aren't ideal running … Continue reading My Workouts These Days

Terracing the Garden Area

We've finally gotten enough rain to tell us where we shouldn't put our garden... The problem being, we've already put our garden there... The garden sits in the spot that receives the most uninterrupted sunlight. It just so happens it's at the base of a hill where we've experienced a good deal of water run … Continue reading Terracing the Garden Area

Spiritual Gifts

My husband is studying theology and Biblical studies through Liberty University right now and one of his classes assigned a spiritual gifts survey as homework. The idea behind the survey is self knowledge of what God has divinely gifted you to do within the Church and in life.  Out of curiosity, I took the survey … Continue reading Spiritual Gifts

Finalized Garden Plan

Welp, I think I've finally done it. Granted, I'm sure there will be mistakes and revisions, but I am 89.9% sure I have the finalized garden plan layed out. Here's what it should look like at the middle of the growing season: Utilizing both companion planting and succession planting methods, I am pretty sure we … Continue reading Finalized Garden Plan

Enabling Orchids to Bloom

I'm named after the Biblical Garden of Eden. As such, I've always thought it would be ironic if I couldn't manage to grow a decent garden. At last, I think I've finally gotten there. I have successfully managed to bring a long dormant phalaenopsis orchid (or moth orchids) out of dormancy! Huzzah! It should be … Continue reading Enabling Orchids to Bloom

What’s the deal?

I've noticed over the past several months that I'm spending more on groceries...Much more. There are a couple factors at play.  "We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto." I had a seriously skewed perception of the cost of food while shopping on base at Camp Lejeune while my husband was stationed there in the Marine Corps. … Continue reading What’s the deal?

Homestead Project #3

Compost bin!  As always, gardening is a year round thing for us. If we aren't actively growing, then we are germinating, stratefying, or composting. Today our focus is composting.  My husband is building a bin. Yay! I built a reclaimable bin last year, which aside from being successfully reclaimed by the construction crew that kicked it over … Continue reading Homestead Project #3