Multiplying Pasta with Meat Sauce

​Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he kept giving the bread to the disciples so they could distribute it to the people. He also divided the fish for everyone to share. Mark 6:41, NLT I don't know how God does … Continue reading Multiplying Pasta with Meat Sauce

What’s the Deal with Potty Training?

I have always wondered why there are so many resources for new parents but so few for parents of young children and teens. For example, there are classes on breastfeeding, carseats, infant hygiene, introducing siblings, etc... But very little information on things like how to respond to disobedience in your toddler, or behavioral management that … Continue reading What’s the Deal with Potty Training?

Making Plantain Salve

It's that time of year again... When I go through my herbal hutch and take inventory of everything and make new and fresh preparations before fall/winter. Right now, I have some glycerin tincture of muellien going that is about ready to be bottled, but the primary focus of today is plantain salve. Here's a step … Continue reading Making Plantain Salve

Herb Preserving

I have been hang drying sage in the kitchen and it was finally time to put it away today! For anyone interested in herbalism even if it's just growing kitchen herbs, I highly recommend the book, "The Herbal Medicine-Maker's Handbook: A Home Manual" by herbalist, James Green. It's a very pleasant, conversational, and enjoyable read, … Continue reading Herb Preserving

You’ll Have 3 Under 3!?

In my high school years, I never understood the desire for motherhood. Partially because of how my mother and father's marriage crumbled and disintegrated into a steaming pile of brokenness devoid of integrity. It made me a bit of a cynic regarding wifedom and motherhood. Flash forward to 23 year old me, I'd been married … Continue reading You’ll Have 3 Under 3!?

DIY Breastfeeding Shirts; Attempt and Review

**I followed the tutorial video posted by The Sustainable Mama with a little twist of my own preference** I noticed something today... I can't afford designer clothing. Well, I've never worn designer clothing to begin with, but that's because I've never been able to afford it. Not even in my life BC (Before Children). Not only that, … Continue reading DIY Breastfeeding Shirts; Attempt and Review

Why I Prefer Child-led Learning

Today we learned about thunderstorms and tractors. Two relatively unrelated topics, but apparently, they intersected somewhere in my two-year-old son's brain. I really love the child-led model of learning. Children have a natural curiosity and desire for knowledge and understanding that is remarkably lacking in many adults. Somewhere between childhood and adulthood, many of us … Continue reading Why I Prefer Child-led Learning