Real Life Homeschool Lesson

Let’s be frank for a second- kids are oftentimes counterproductive.

But, with clear instructions and guidance (at times I swear I’m a drill sergeant…) my kids can become my greatest asset.

Instead of book work today for math, I brought them with me into farm mode and together we did some work for the chickens.

They played while I had to shovel out the gate of our chicken yard. The hens enjoyed snatching up all the worms that revealed.

Then I put up some decorative fence around the prayer garden. 5% because it’s pretty, 95% to keep Hank the Tank from stomping all my tulips and irises.

Then we set to work disassembling our mobile run. We plan to rebuild in a more efficient rectangle shape.

Each kid had a specific job. My oldest daughter collected the cut wire ties in an old folgers can, my oldest sorted and stacked the pvc pipes, and Hank sorted the joints.

This may not sound like math, but their proposed lesson was to be on sorting by length and shape anyway, so we basically just had larger scale class outside, AND accomplished equitable tasks. We got it about 3/4 done. Huzzahs are in order.

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