Thoughts on Holiday Spending

I dig Black Friday sales. And small business Saturdays. And Cyber Mondays. And Giving Tuesdays. All the days. Nothing is more exciting to me than knowing I've been prudent with our family's resources and that I've been diligent in managing and stewarding our finances well! For example, I've got a credit with an online yarn … Continue reading Thoughts on Holiday Spending

Conviction: Financial Slavery I’ve Been Living

I recently was convicted by some things in my financial life. All my adult life, I've been told that there is such a thing as "good debt". This is the kind of debt that boosts your credit score. For example, I remember being about 20 years old and going in to my bank to see … Continue reading Conviction: Financial Slavery I’ve Been Living

Budgets, Babies, and Back seats

I hate budgeting. I'm good at formulating budgets. I'm even diligent in saving and tithing each month. But I'm not good at change, unexpected expenses, or STAYING WITHIN my budget. Now, that said, I've taken Dave Ramsey's financial Peace class and I've tried the cash  envelope method. All that does to me is say, "oh, … Continue reading Budgets, Babies, and Back seats