Fermentation Day! And a few updates

If it looks like a mess to you, you would be correct in that assessment. Today is fermentation Day in the kitchen, and it has not been bland or uneventful, in any sense. I've been getting jars of lacto-fermented veggies going. I've got some ACV, cucumber pickles, and curtido going. I also made some spelt … Continue reading Fermentation Day! And a few updates

Meal Prep: Homesteading Style

Our church is entering into a congregational period of fasting and prayer. I find this extraordinarily awesome, as I don't know of many churches (and I've attended quite a few over the years) that have preached sermons on fasting. That said, being 5 months pregnant, I want to participate, while also nourishing my growing baby. … Continue reading Meal Prep: Homesteading Style

Family, Food, Faith

I've been focusing on involving the kids in my "have to's" like harvesting our peanuts. It turns everything into a big event, and slows things down and adds an extra element of policing the throwing of freshly harvested legumes at one's brothers... But, I figure, this is my life too, and there's no reason to … Continue reading Family, Food, Faith

Busy in the Kitchen

It's that time of year again! This is what it looks like when you can and/or dry your late summer harvest. And this is what it looks like doing all that while wearing a 7 month old in a backpack carrier I don't blame her, I'm sure she gets bored back there. I've been in … Continue reading Busy in the Kitchen

Homestead update

We packed up my husband this morning with homemade doughnuts, fresh-picked blueberries from a friend, and goat paraphernalia and sent him off to retrieve our dairy goats! We've been reading The Hobbit as a family, so the kids thought it amusing that Papa was headed out on a "perilous adventure" with all his provisions. We … Continue reading Homestead update

Homestead Update: Some Sad News, and Some Happy News

Well, I'm a little sad. It's just been getting warm enough to pop open the bee hive to check on how they're doing... So, I popped it open for a looksee and, as I feared, the hive was empty. I'm mostly upset because less than a week ago we were seeing plenty of activity. I … Continue reading Homestead Update: Some Sad News, and Some Happy News

Forage Food: Hostas

I'm a huge fan of perennials because they're generally hearty, difficult to kill, and low maintenance. However, I'm really good at growing them... Like, too good. I mean the silly things take over!! Incidentally, I also love "forage food" and "wild edibles". So in order to cater to both issues, I determined to grow extra … Continue reading Forage Food: Hostas

Potager Planning

It seems like a lifetime has passed since I first dreamed the potager garden. In reality, it's been about a year and a half. But it is surreal that the time to plan and plant is quickly approaching! This has been my brain child for so long, it's actually hard to believe that I've gotten … Continue reading Potager Planning

Seed Inventory 2019

I'm getting antsy, y'all. I wanna be out in the garden playing in the dirt! And since that's not happening for a couple more weeks, I decided it's time for planning and inventory. I got out my little green notebook. To my pleasant surprise, I found that just about half of my seed Inventory is … Continue reading Seed Inventory 2019

Spring Garden 2019

I'm so cold right now, I can't even stand it. I take solace in planning the spring gardens. I think this is really going to be a good year for us. Granted, I think that every year, but I'm not going to let that dampen my optimism. I have really enjoyed the "zone gardening" planning … Continue reading Spring Garden 2019