Family, Food, Faith

I've been focusing on involving the kids in my "have to's" like harvesting our peanuts. It turns everything into a big event, and slows things down and adds an extra element of policing the throwing of freshly harvested legumes at one's brothers... But, I figure, this is my life too, and there's no reason to … Continue reading Family, Food, Faith

Food Preservation on the Homestead

So it's one thing when you've got a mess of things coming in on your homestead. It's another blessing when your friends have an abundance to share with you as well! That begs the question: "What do I do with all this food!?" There are a lot of ways to preserve your harvest, and fermentation … Continue reading Food Preservation on the Homestead

Wild Violet Jelly

It's that time of year! The flowers are blooming, and we're foraging and harvesting to get some of that fresh early spring goodness in our bodies. And, sick as I am of hearing about a virus, all the more reason to load up on vitamin C rich greens and to be out in the sunshine … Continue reading Wild Violet Jelly

Cleaning Crafty Pre-Thanksgiving Day

So I have a ton of dishes because... Eh... My back has been killing me and it's all I can do to muster the motivation to stand and wash dishes. Come on, Kitchen Reno! Hopefully soon. That said, I washed a load of dishes, and then decided to go play with plants outside instead. I … Continue reading Cleaning Crafty Pre-Thanksgiving Day

Transitioning to Stainless Steel

Let's go way on back to 2010... My husband and I got married that April, on a Wednesday morning, at the county courthouse. No, it wasn't a shotgun wedding, we just really wanted to be married, and unfortunate family circumstances led to us choosing super low-key elopement over the formal church wedding I had spent … Continue reading Transitioning to Stainless Steel

She’ll be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain

My great granny was a proper southern woman.Full of grit, faith, and I don't think I ever saw her without lipstick and painted fingernails.Her kisses were inigmatically sharp and abrasive! She smelled of peppermint and stale cigarette smoke. And I loved my granny so so so much!My great grandfather built their home on a hill … Continue reading She’ll be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain

But What Can You Eat?

It's a question I get at pretty much every social gathering. It used to give me outrageous social anxiety. Will my abstinence from this food offend the hosts? Will eating this out of politeness result in a month of migraines and gastrointestinal pain and discomfort? (The answer to question 2 is always "yes.") I had … Continue reading But What Can You Eat?

What Keeps me Going

I've just sort of accepted the fact that my physical body is temporary. My body is broken and I struggle with chronic health issues stemming from autoimmunity triggered by prescription medications and birth control usage. God has redeemed many of the issues I faced in my initial confrontation with sickness 5 years ago, one of … Continue reading What Keeps me Going

Managing Mealtime Madness

I'll just go ahead and say what everyone who's ever eaten with my family is thinking: I hate meal times. I do. I hate them. Christian culture makes meal times out to be this glamorized period during which smiling, laughing, families gather around a large table to share a hot meal and good conversation. That … Continue reading Managing Mealtime Madness